Val Garland For M.a.c By Gareth Pugh And Ruth Hogben

Style maverick Garéth Pugh coIlaborates with style film movie director Ruth Hogben on this movie to reveal his very first make-up variety, developed with M.A.C. A further development from their electric powered cooperation for Springtime/Summer 2012 and inspired by the contrast of dark and white - or lighting and darkness - this fashion film showcases a selection of specially-fashioned faces for the twenty-first hundred years. Direction: Ruth Hogben Fashion: Gareth Pugh StyIing: Katie Shillingford Maké-up: Val GarIand for Meters.A.M Tresses: Martin Cullen Claws: Marian Newman Soundtrack: Matthew Stone.
Gareth Pugh Shop Online
- Director - Ruth Hogben, Stylist - Katy Shillingford, Makeup - Val Garland for M.A.C, Hair - Martin Cullen, Nails - Marian Newman, Sound - Matthew Stone
- Directed by Ruth Hogben, styled by Katie Shillingford, with make-up directed by Val Garland for Mac and music by Matthew Stone, the end result, which will be screened in store alongside the.
Esecure mac esecure for mac. Fashion maverick Gareth Pugh collaborates with fashion film director Ruth Hogben on this film to unveil his first make-up range, created with M.A.C.
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